Ever since lockdown was declared at the end of March, most people have been working from home, trying to recreate their office environment within their own property.
After the initial shock to the system of not being able to go into the office every day and having to share workspace with partners – and even children – most of us have had to get used to working from home and make the best of a bad situation.
One of the ways to improve your working environment is to make it look and feel more professional. Many homeowners do not have a separate study space and have to set up work on their dining table or in their living room. However, it is a good idea to have a corner of the room dedicated to work, so you can splay office documents, set your laptop up, and have any stationery you require at hand to make sure you are always ready to start working.
Good House Keeping said having a table and chair to work at “helps you maintain good posture, avoid distractions and leave your work behind at the end of the day”.
Those who are lucky enough to have their own office can shut themselves away from the distraction of the house, while also being able to close the door on their work once they have finished their hours.
You could also invest in a designer desk lamp to spruce up the space and make it more inviting to go to every morning.
Keeping all your work-related documents in one area and not spreading it around the house will help you switch off outside of working hours, and could be very beneficial to your mental health during this challenging time.